I Am Back....
Yeah yeah it does sound that I went for years but no, that's not the case. I am back from my program and I am back with smiles over my face which is only because the audience was smiling. I must say, it was second time when I met a very good audience, a perfect blend of right people for the right kind of module. Though there were some who stood apart from everyone else but still, I can't say who was better than the other as all were equally good. I love to get questions and its better when they are tough and I was lucky enough that I got very good ones. One question is still pending to be answered. Though I did give the answer with my little knowledge but I am not convinced and I am sure, neither would be that guy who asked it. I am still searching for the "under-the-hood" answer of it. I have got some leads, hope I shall get the entire puzzle set straight soon. Over all, it was a program worth remembering. Guys were really good and they gave really good comments abo...