A Long Tour Started….

I am writing this sitting on the international terminal of the Delhi airport. Its been already more than 12 hours since my travel has started and still there is a travel of almost the same number of hours left. Did I hear that you said long? Well its not just long, its very LONG!! I don't know that whether I have traveled so much any time before or not but this already has been becoming very grueling. Speaking of travels, I am not sure but I do believe that when you start asking your self the question that what you are doing is , when its the time to stop doing it, that means the time to stop doing that thing has already come and I am starting the question myself that why I am doing this much of travel? Its been already couple of years( 4 to be precise ) that I am doing this kind of work and I guess its pretty long. I really have no idea how come Tom, Jonathan, Tim and many more legends like these do it on and on and on! May be I need a small break and things would be fine. Don't know yet but at the moment its really becoming hard.

I am not sure but I am little upset too. Since morning I was waiting for someone to send a text before I would finally leave but that never happened. Its not many whose texts I would wait when I would be leaving for such long travels so it really did hurt when I didn't get any. Yeah , "busy" word must have knocked your mind but I am not sure that I do agree to that logic. There is always time for us to do somethings , provided we just make sure that we want to do it. I guess, either I need to change my glasses through which I look into this world or.... ;-) .

I need to catch some thing to drink and eat because I didn't have anything since morning. I had to collect my passport from a local office here so that's why I started early in the morning. I need something to eat otherwise I would either collapse before the boarding would start or would just eat while I shall be aboard , both are not such good things to do I guess :-) .


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