Random Ramblings....

Good Rating Is As Important As Good Comments

I always believe that its very important to give someone(anyone) a moral boost. In any job, its going to help the person to improve and strive for more better work. I know the importance of boost up because the kind of industry I am into, the entire performance of someone's ability, good work is judged, NOT from what he has done but what others say about it? So its very important for me to achieve good ratings. Well, this did not happen this time. Though, I got some good comments but I didn't get a good rating. I am not sure that what was the reason for it as for me, each session of mine is just like the very first one which I took years back and it matters to me in the same way as it did when I was starting. Some do say to me that I shouldn't be bothered about it as I can't control it and can just hope that others do a good job to give me good ratings. Some even say that I am above now from that point where ratings do matter for me or would make an impact to others that how good/bad I am? But I humbly disagree from all this. I am not sure that I do think that its true that I am really that good as much as others think that I am in my work, oracle database , if you don't know about it. And it does matter for me (at least for me) that what others say about me. I still feel so much happy when I read good comment(s) mentioned about me in the summary of feedback and I still skip meals when I got a bad rating. Thankfully, I haven't got any bad comments so far but this time , the rating has come down. Despite that the delegates were really good and gave me really good comments, somehow I didn't manage to get a good rating from them and it did make me really upset. There are always some things which are beyond my control, be it content of the module, hardware infrastructure or anything else which doesn't come up directly from me. And above all, I don't know ALL about Oracle so there are always certain things , which I don't know. But, what ever is there in the content, I try my best to express it in a good manner(at least in the best possible way according to my abilities) so that audience can get a benefit from the session. Though, I was told by my friends cum colleagues that its okay, I shouldn't be bothered but truly speaking, I am bothered and somewhat , upset too. I am now really worried about my next session which is starting on this coming week. Let's see what happens in it? I really hope that it should go fine , both in the delivery and in ratings.

Raodies, A Game Of Courage Or Cheating

MTV Roadies is back with its new season, Hell Down Under! I didn't watch the last episode of the last season as it was going to be shooted from Malaysia and I guess, this time also , I won't see the last of this show as it would be in Australia. Well, you may be wondering what's the logic of me not watching the show because they were from some particular countries, for which I would refrain myself from answering. It would need couple of posts to explain the reason for this and I doubt that I shall mention the real reasons ever here. But, this time , this is not the topic that I want to discuss. Roadies, is a good show but somehow, it always come out in it that how much selfish people can be and to what extent they can go! I just saw two episodes of the current season and they were enough to make me believe that nothing has changed in Roadies, its the same show where people stab you in the back , despite of the fact that they do it while holding one hand of yours in theirs, calling you a friend. In the last episode,one roadie, Nauman, got voted out and in his vote out, besides others, there was one more vote and that was from a guy, Devrishi(  a stupid , self imposed genius, lady killer , next Bill Gates and god knows what else) whom Nauman trusted so much.  Dev just voted Nauman out because he was having a crush over the same gal for which Nauman had a soft heart too. In today's episode, I heard Dev talking about himself and only god knows, who told him all the misconceptions that he has for himself. But, he proved one more thing which was told to me by lots of people in the past too that its not uncommon to see this kind of attitude from the people of that  place from where he is from. Surely enough, not all would be same but the majority would be and that's enough to make a generalized statement. I have seen the same behavior already so I am not surprised to see this guy doing all this. Its highly common from the people of his place to think that they are the best, they can do anything and all are just inferior to them. If they cheat someone , its okay, if they hurt someone, it has a reason which others must agreed to. The way I saw Dev speaking today, I have seen the same attitude from others who belong to the same place to which he hails from.  Not sure that I would watch this show in the future or not but , I shall surely keep an eye for Dev's vote out and if not anyone else, I shall be happy when he would be thrown out!

A Sleepy Valentine Day

Yes , I was asleep for the entire day. I don't know why but I was feeling so tired and sleepy and since 11am, the time when I was off to bed, I was sleeping uptill 5pm. I don't remember when it was last time that I slept for so long. As I had nothing else to do on this valentines day, so I guess it was good that I could take some sleep. Let's see what would happen on next v-day?


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