Google Gone Mad....

Yesterday, in the evening I was searching for ALG(Application Layer Gateway) executable's information. Why? Well, it was another day of my digg-for-no-use attitude :-) . Actually, I saw this executable over my box and I couldn't find the relevance of it (I did find it afterwards though) so as being a techie, I started looking for it over Google(where else). And that was the moment where I was greeted with this message by google with every search result, This Site May Harm Your Computer! WTH! I couldn't understand it at all so I searched for something which I was dead sure about, won't be harmful at all because if it is than half of the world is already  effected,! And guess what, google didn't do any partiality with Oracle even and it marked Oracle's corporate website and all other oracle related sites too harmful! Voila, now that's what I call "being really proactive"! Nonetheless, I called up my friend, Amardeep to confirm that is it an issue with me only or he has also seen something like this? He immediately did check over Google's browser, Chrome and indeed, without no mistake, the same message appeared there too. He checked it over another friend of his who uses Firefox and to our amazement, this message was there too! So we were assured that there is something wrong with Google now! And we were right because after some time, google posted a blog on its official blog, that they messed up indeed with a "/". Great! Well good thing is that after some time, google did correct its error( still not sure what actually the error was) but it got resolved in a short time , so things still didn't go too bad! And in case, you need a proof that google did indeed mark up Oracle's website also as harmful one, you may want to look at Amar's blog post where he has posted a screen capture of the same( check the url posted in the pic).

Oh and before I conclude, the alg.exe , which actually caused me to experience all this Google's not-so-good-experience, its not harmful but is a required service which is used by IM clients! So in case, you are also worried about this executable, you don't need to be! Be cool, its not harmful in anyways!


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