
Showing posts from October, 2008

Heroes, A Moviee....

My sister and her friends wanted to go for a movie as they were having a holiday yesterday. So I was asked to come along. I don't watch movies much. You can imagine this that this was exactly one year since the last I went for any  movie. It was too with my sister and her friends. So it was indeed she who took me to it , not the other way round :-). Gals wanted to see, Golmaal Returns but to their luck, the entire show was full and there was no ticket uptil night. I proposed to see, Roadside Romeo but I was made quite by saying, its a kid movie. Fashion was rejected without even discussion. So they finally zeroed down to Heroes. About the movie, well I don't know what to say? That "aha" feeling is not there. Okay, it was a nice, refreshing movie. It was having a different angel to look at patriotism. Young lads don't like to join arm forces as the life over there is very tough  and its not such a lucrative job. But than what's there which make people joi...

System Error From My 6600....

You don't want to see especially on a festival day like today. In the morning , when I started my phone to send message to someone in Australia, my phone gave me a welcome message, "General: System Error". Searching for it over the net revealed that there is some error in the files of its Symbian operating system. Am I upset? You can bet that I really am. One, I would probably lose all the content I have in it ( and its a lot of it) , my phonebook details as well. Second, I have to get a new phone as I see some thing for twice afterwards, my trust is broken. My phone has already broken my trust , this was the second time and this time, its a serious offense on its part. So instead of me going and having some fun, I would need to rush to the service center and give it for repair. Hopefully it would get repaired. A not-so-nice way to start a day of Diwali! Update: Well I spent almost the entire day trying to sort out what can be done for my phone. I knew since morning th...

I Am On WAYN Now....

I have been getting lots of emails to come over WAYN( Where Are You Now)  . I was just ignoring all of the invitations up till now. Today, finally when I got one more for this site, I decided to finally give it a go. There is nothing much into the site and to be honest, I didn't find it much attractive too. But I am now over WAYN and if you are there too and know me, search me and send a add request and I shall add you. As like always, the profile is added over all of my previous web spaces and you should be able to see it on the right hand side of this page. Happy WAYNing!

Welcome To My Home....

Well, anyone is welcome in my home. If you do know me really than you must be familiar with this fact that in my home, everyone is welcome. So indeed you are too. But at the moment, this welcome is to see my home's image as visible by satellite. So if ever you would like to come and meet me and would be looking for my home, you may use this as a reference :-). Here is the link to the image, You can see a rectangle saying the same, "Here I am". It wasn't easy to locate though. I did try before when I saw the same over my friend's blog but I couldn't do locate mine. Even now, I was looking in another location not the one which is selected at the moment? Is this is correct? Well see its kinda far and I normally don't look at home from sky. I normally do it standing outside of it over the same level where it is located. So chances are that it may be a slight wrong but as per my best powers, I am sure its correct and t...

Happy Diwali....

I wish you all a very happy and prosperous Diwali . May you enjoy this with lots of joys, crackers, sweets with your nears and dears. Its the biggest festival in India and for all the Indians around the globe and I wish, this would bring the biggest joys for you and for your family. Be safe and enjoy the most of it. I shall just mention one more thing which is in mind. Last year, me and my family were not sure that were we going to have a Diwali or not? This year too, the same scary feeling creeped in due to some serious personal issues. I am just praying to God that nothing bad should happen and he would make us celebrate this year with joys for many years yet to come. I wish he is listening to me and my prayers. Happy Diwali all of you!

Don't Know What It Is....

You must be thinking that what the heck is wrong with this guy that he has started coming up with such kind of low sounding posts only? Well, the truth is that some thing is not right and I am unable to spot on that what's it?One reason is that there are just so many so many things that's why I can't mention just one out of them. Despite that all are making me feel the same, probably there is one thing which I know for sure, stands out among the rest and that is....No I won't mention it because some things are better when not said. Those who truly can understand, they would have got it up til now and those who couldn't , they probably won't get it even when words would give a try. So what I am doing at midnight when I should be on the bed? Well I changed the post's title from where it is to what it is? Initially it was where only, just to mention that I am not sure where is the sleep? Probably, its too busy to come to me ;-). Never mind bec...

Back, Tired , Upset....

I just got back two hours ago. Though I was supposed to get back some time in the midnight only but when you fly with bunch of incompetent people who don't really care what is the status of the plane, don't really bother to do the checking and maintenance "before" the flight's flying time than you are bound to get late  and that's the same happened with me as well. Am I sounding pist off? You can bet I am! The best thing which did happen was that the program went well. Rather I should say, guys gave me a very good sign off. It was a collective good bye with some very good words. I don't really deserve all those good words which they said about me as I know so less and all of them were so much better than me but still, I am just so much thankful to them for their kind words. One guy even used the word "best" for me, really not suitable for me but still, from the bottom of my heart, thanks a bunch! They were all very nice and they were all happy ...

Tough Times....

Its getting tough to stay here.  I am not sure why its like that? Normally I enjoy my stay where ever I go but its not happening this time. I am feeling like running away. No, its not the module or the guys. They are the best, really nice, especially a guy Venkat. A very senior guy but so much humble and so much nice! Its a pleasure to know such kind of people really. So its not anything from here but still  I am feeling just to run away. I don't know the reason behind it. Its kinda getting hard to focus. There are certain things not good on the personal side. Don't know what's happening and why! Just want everything to get sorted out as soon as possible. I wanted to buy some stuff for me but I won't be going for it anymore. Hopefully would be able to make the program go fine tomorrow. Let's see!

A Tiring Day, Broken Phone, No Cab....

It was a tiring day. Since the morning only, I was feeling so much tired. I don't know what's the reason of it but I just wanted to sleep. One reason of that may be is that I am not sleeping properly ;-) . But still, that's not some thing which is new for me so I am not sure what is it which is making me feel like this. Well anyways, guys are great. I can't recall when in the past, for this module which at present I am handling, I have discussed this much of details! And moreover, I am finding guys into the program as well, asking their doubts. So it means ,at least for the moment things are okay(sigh). My phone has been behaving oddly. All of a sudden, its microphone is not working. So it means that I am able to hear but they can't. Good! And good thing is that it happened all of a sudden, my hand phone didn't drop anywhere, no water, no humidity nothing. I guess like most of the people around me, its also not willing to stay with me anymore. I bought it when...

What Else You Would Call It?

Those who are important to us, if they are lost, there is no pain in this world which can match this. And when we are talking about our own family, our parents, siblings, there is nothing, no one that can be compared to them. Imagine a child losing her parents when she is just a kid, never saw her parents again and was forced to work as a servant , facing the toughest and worst time of her life. But thanks to her endless prayers, God did listen to her and she got her father back after 24, yes 24 long years! What else we can say about it  except that if we want some thing truly, even God is forced to do miracles for it and has to give it to us. I read this on my friend Amardeep's blog  here and I must admit , it did bring tears in my eyes, especially reading this, But memories of her father continued to haunt her — of how he had doted on her, carrying her on his shoulders to school on rainy days so she didn't dirty her feet. Its just so true,Memories truly hurt, much more t...

Just Feeling So Alone....

Yes I am here and started my program. It has just started. Had a tiring day, guys are really good. Didn't eat anything in the whole day too. Don't know just not liking anything. While coming here, was thinking about so many things and about couple of people. It seems that have done so many wrong things. So many! Don't know this feeling is correct or not but yes, at this moment when I am writing this, this is there and its very strong. Another feeling of loneliness is there. I thought about some people to be there always with me. But I guess, my mistake is to expect from the people, have expectations from them and its some thing keeping which people are not good at. Don't know who is right and whom to call wrong? It seems, some where , some thing is broken and that broken corner is hurting much worse. I guess I need to learn a few things, things which I tried to avoided all the time. But it seems like people will make me actually learn all which I don't want to lear...

Back For A Day....

Yup I am back. Just got back an hour ago. I was supposed to come back yesterday only but thanks to the care takers at the venue, I had to spend one day extra. When I got at the venue on Monday, I was shocked to see that there was no setup done. Well not only I was shocked but the entire audience also was into the same state. It wasn't just shocked state for them but also a little upsetting one as well. I tried to make up things but some how, that didn't happen as the setup was not done at all and despite the best efforts of mine, it was not going to happen on that very day at all. I am mostly calm but I hate this thing when some one doesn't take things seriously and this was a classic case of the same thing. Those who should had taken care about the things in the first place, they were ready with all the excuses. Well I told them to finish everything up on that day, Monday itself and I got a promise also that it would indeed happen. I rely on promises just to see all the t...

Bag Pack Time....

Yes, I am leaving tomorrow. Its been a little change in the program though, I am not going to the scheduled place but to a new one. The program is going to be a tough ride and so will be the place. Let's see what happens? Wish me luck and pray for me guys!

So On What Rating You Are....

It is said that its nearly impossible to understand gals. Even Rocket Science is somewhat easy but not the mind of gals. And the worst part is that you can never  judge what's going on in their minds. Well I got an email just now sent by a friend of mine. According to this email, each guy is having a rating from the gal. Doesn't matter what, his status never rises from that rating what is set for him. It was just so fun to read it and I guess, to some extent I do agree to what's said in it too. With due respect and no offense gals but its my blog and I can say whatever I want so I am saying :-). Have a read and tell its true or not according to you. I shall put the email as it is. In it, there are two factious characters mentioned, one of a guy who is Aditya and one is a gal , Shilpa. You can very well replace these and put your's and your friend's name here to make it more real-to-life for you. Have a read, How Girlz rate Guyz? Girls' relationship with guys ...

A Guy's Afternoon Out....

Okay so you are saying that you have heard some thing like that before too? Well good things are always copied by others and this is true in my case as well, some movie maker stole my idea too ;-). Okay so yes I went for a little outing today. Since the day I have come back and not in this week only but since past couple of weeks, I have not been out, I didn't go anywhere. Its just that I was going to my office, do my work, come in my hotel and next morning ,again the same thing. I don't know what's wrong with me but some how, I am not feeling so good from inside. Its not some thing related to physical aspect but its more to mental I believe. I don't know the reason of it at all though. So today I decided to go. Yes it does sound like a very planned sort of thing, some thing really funny to think that to go for a cup of coffee , one is planning like this. But can't help I had to do it as I was not able to convince myself to go anywhere. And I had to buy some thing...

Will You Vote For Me?

Its election time and almost every where, there is a scarcity of the right and good candidate. Though I am not much interested in politics but I guess for my fans, I may have to do it. So for the peace and harmony of this world, I am stepping in. Will you support me? I didn't know but I guess I am quite popular already ;-)! See here for today's ground, sky, whatever possible breaking news. Sharma mania! You got it right, I am coming to take over this world :-).

Happy Dusshera....

It's Dussehra  today and from this festival, the grand starting of series of festivals has started. This is the fetival of the celebration of victory of good over evil. Its a truth, however may be evil is strong, good will win over it sooner or later. I wish you all my heartiest wishes over this day. May this day and the coming year will bring immense joys, happiness and success for all of you. Enjoy this day with your nearest and dearest ones with lots of fun. Happy Dussehra to you all!

Want To Succeed, Follow All This....

We all want to succeed in our professional lives. So here are some "cool" things to do if you want to be successful. I got it in my mail and indeed it made me smile. So because I smiled, I thought to share it with you all. There is one more email which made me jump over my chair and I was laughing while holding my stomach. I shall post the contents of it later. Have a read, 1. Rule 1. - The Boss is always right. 2. Rule 2. - If the Boss is wrong, see rule 1. 3. Those who work get more work. Others get gals, pay, perks, and promotions. 4. P.H.D. stands for "Pull Him Down". The more intelligent a person, the more hard working a person, the more committed a person; the more number of persons are engaged in pulling that person down. 5. If you are good, you will get all the work. If you are really good, you will get out of it! 6.. When the Bosses talk about improving productivity, they are never talking about themselves. 7. It doesn't matter what you do, it only m...

A Flop Show, The Mummy....

When some thing comes for the first time , a unique idea, a fresh thought, its always welcomed. Than when it is accepted, after some time, the original is again presented with more innovations, enhancements, its again accepted and praised. But when the same idea is "just" thrown again and again in a hope that no matter what you show, will be accepted as it is and will prove to be a hit, a serious mistake is committed and that's the thing which happens with the movies who prove to be a hit. Once known that idea has clicked, viewers are given the same stuff with different dressing. Yes I am talking about The Mummy series and its latest offering, Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor  starring Michelle Yeoh, Jet Li and of course, Brendan Fraser. When I saw rushes of this movie, I thought presence of Michelle Yeoh, Jet Li will be a good combo and movie would have some serious martial-arts moves. I was not really interested in the Mummy's story as in other previous parts too, this ...

Back & Upset....

Yes I got back today morning. It was a good program. Though I was much upset and tense about it but fortunately it went well ( I hope so). Guys were great. I guess I can't recall any other program of mine where people were so nice. All were smiling when they were leaving so I guess, everything went well. In this program I met one another person too, some one who has worked with Oracle technologies and Teradata database quite extensively. A very experienced consultant who has joined Education industry now. He was in my program for 3 days and we had great time. It was fun and learning both in his company. We shared our views about technology, about the current work environment, future plans( he shared more about this one as I don't know what I shall be doing actually). It was great to have a talk with him. I hope I said a word or two right in front of him when there were discussions about Oracle :-(. Its really tough to talk when you got a senior guy sitting in front of you. No...

A Bad, Lonely Feeling....

I am in my travel. Good thing is that it wont be going on in the next week as the initial schedule. Its cancelled now and I shall be able to go back home tomorrow. I don't know but I am not feeling well. Its not a good feeling. Its like, some thing is missing from deep inside, some thing is lost from inside. Not sure that why this feeling is there but that's for sure that its there. May be its because of the professional issues or certain issues which are there in the family, its because of that. Its not a good feeling all I can is this only. I really don't know the reason of it.