Traveling Time Is Just About To Come….

Its the last day of my very short break( which wasn’t actually a break even since I was doing lots of house work). From tomorrow, I shall be on the road again and also will be handling a very, VERY tough module! I am not sure that how much I am prepared for it since I haven’t spent much time doing the preparation. I shall try to do it once I shall reach at my destination. Besides that its going to be a really tough and long week for me, I need to pull up my socks for my book’s remaining chapters as well. I haven’t done much of the writing ,partly because I am just too much occupied in my travels and sessions and partly, of the tiredness which comes after I come back to my hotel/guesthouse from the session. But, I have to push myself a little to finish all the stuff, tough thing but not impossible I guess! Okay, about this, I shall see later. The first and most important thing is that I have to make sure that my session goes off well. Pray for me guys and wish me luck, I am going to need it so much! Let’s see how everything goes?


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