Its Weekend But For Me,Only For Today….

Yes, I have finished my last program of this week and have flew back to Delhi. It was a very tough, very tiring program but I am glad that I was able to finish it up with giving a smile on everyone’s face. The best thing which did happen was that all the delegates too did like the program a lot and mentioned couple of times that its really helpful. Now, what would be a program which is not liked by those even who are attending it and I always believe that a training given is of no use as long as it won’t be able to help in any matter to the attendees. When I did hear that that the program actually did give some tips to the delegates, that was really a very nice feedback. Other than that, all the guys were really good. I even had one guy who attended a previous session of mine for the same module but on an older version. He was the best person to judge the module and according to him too, the current module is much better than the last one! I had a really good time discussing with all of them and I just hope, I didn’t bore anyone too much( no one was found taking a nap so I guess all went well) :-) . Thanks a bunch guys for all the support and kind words :-).

I normally would travel back to home but this time, there is some construction work going on at home. So I thought to stop over at Sidhu’s place for today. The reason that I mentioned that for me, its going to be a weekend only for a day because I shall be flying again tomorrow. Tough life isn’t it :-) ? Well, a little I would say, not much since I am used to it now :-) . Anyways, so I shall be over here and hope I shall catch some good sleep in the day time too and also would be able to listen some good music too. It was very late when I got here last night and I am feeling so sleepy because I managed to get a sleep for only about 4 hours. Not a new thing for me but still, it would be better if I would be able to get a little more of it :-) . Its weekend isn’t it ;-) ? Other than traveling, there is one more thing which would keep me occupied. I am doing a writing project and I need to finish some reviews by today. I am already late for 3 days and I don’t want to linger it on for anymore time. So that would be my to-do after getting the sleep or may be I shall finish it before going to sleep :-) . Hope I won’t sleep while doing it ;-) . I guess, I am talking completely insane and I should shut up now and have  a cup of tea :-) .


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