New Additions After So Long....

On my APEX website , Tripod website  , MSN Live Space and on my Blogger's blog , I try to put that web links or web blogs as soon as possible which I  find interesting and useful.  You can see the list of my favorite blogs and sites over there.  I do that for two reasons.  One, I find it so much easy to locate and visit my favorite websites and blogs from one place and second it shall help anyone else too who is looking for some good websites and blogs,to locate and find them at one place.  That's why I try to add any website and blog of my interest as soon as I locate it.
Its been long time ago since I added any new site and blog in my lists.  Not that coz I didn't find anything exciting or useful but coz I didn't have that much time to site and update the templates of my blogs and sites.  Today I decided finally to do it before I shall misplace the list and than will regret.  So here are some new additions in my list of useful sites and blogs.Hope you will find them useful.  Have a look:
  • : If you have too many accounts on IM sites and are looking for managing them at one place, here is one solution that will interest you.Meebo provides you a very easy web-interface where you can have manage,use all your Yahoo, MSN,AOL like accounts.  Very nice!
  • : If you already use, Google's personalized web-page service than you wont find "NetVibes" much different.  Its a similar kind of service where you can read your mails from Gmail, read wonderful things from BoingBoing and also can be updated with the latest technology and other news from your favorite sources.  Very handy, just like Google.
  • Solaris : If you are like me and like Solaris operating system more than any other o/s than you have come to the right place for learning internals about it.  Very useful resource base for Solaris.
  • The Daily : If you are looking for some WTF moments,experiences of Oracle world, you would love this site.  There is a Oracle WTF blog also inspired by the main site.  Enjoy!
  • John's APEX blog : I missed this blog for some time.  Later on one day I read it and just decided right on the spot that it will be a must add in my lists.  John talks here about APEX and also some other stuff like his "toys" :-).
  • Roch's Solaris blog : I found this blog in one of the Solaris posts  on Doug's blog. As Doug mentioned, this blog is an excellent resource if you are interested about Solaris.
  • Oracle Musings blog : This is not a new addition to my list.  The reason I am mentioning it here is coz, Dominic Delmolino has moved his blog   and I have updated the link.  So just in case, you haven't done it yet, just change the address from here   to its current location.



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