
Enter the new Dragon with Harry Potter....

       I had a chance to see "Enter the New dragon"  and Harry Potter-3.So this is what I felt about both the movies....   Enter the New Dragon            In word,EXCELLENT!Tony Jaa has really done a very superb performance in it.This movie is about an ancient warrior technique of Thailand,Muai Thai.Tony Jaa is really one of the best and very few whom I have found proficient in it.Action scenes and fighting sequences are excellent and with the fact in mind that there are no duplicates uses and no artificial help like animation or wires used,this makes this movie a real Martial-Arts classic and a worth watch.   Harry Potter-3             Well,I dnt have words for it.No no,please dont take me wrong.I dnt have any "good" words for it.I must say that I am really very much disappointed from it.Its not anywhere close even the previous two movies of Harry Potter.There was no plot,there was nothing which can be related to a thing we need in a movie,yes you are right,Story,t

Saying bye to an old friend....

Today one of my oldest and closest friends have gone back to London.He came here to enjoy his break.I was so overwhelmed to see that the 1st person he visited in India was me.I was a little upset with him but he came,we talked,he said so many times "sorry sorry" to  me and apologized.There was nothing that I could do except to forgive him.Thats a fact,if the person who has done something wrong comes and admits his mistake and apologizes from heart,you have to forgive him and thats what I did too.We couldnt spent much time together but whatever time we spent,it was really so much good.He has gone back today.Hope he will do great in everything that he does.   I am listening,"Mere haath mein" from "Fanna" while writing this.If you havnt listened the songs even yet than try listening 1 or 2 now.I am sure you will definitely like them atleast if wont love.

Once again....

Those of you who know me from some time,they must be thinking that I have somehow left my routine of studying Oracle and have chosen to become an artist.No thats not the case.I am nowhere even close to be one and I really doubt if I shall ever be just 1% of that too.I tried to take the risk of writing this again just because these lines were constantly coming in my mind.I just pen them over here.Your comments are always welcome.So here it goes....   Together we were,I remember today those times again! But I cant smile and there is just so much of pain! I just wished for some memories with smiles! All I got are tears with endless cries! I waited for hours believing you will come! But you never cared even just to turn! I gave up all just for your sake! Is there anything that you forgot to take? I loved you as I loved no one ever before, But you took my love and made it a whore! Words you spoke have tore me apart! I had only one but you broke that very heart! I still forgive you coz thats

Site Redesign!

It was so long back when I did some updation with my websites.I can’t say that I am done with everything.There is still alot that needs to be done yet.In the series of that,I just rewrote my “About Me” page.Its about me as you must have got from the name.It was not something very much descriptive and informataional.I have tried to rewrite it.Have a look and let me know how much you liked/disliked it? "About Me" on my APEX site! "About Me on my Tripod Site"  

Are you in Love?

There is always a time in our life when we think/feel that we are in love.There is that someone whom we like so  much,being with him/her is the best feeling for us.His/her voice,everything of that person to us is like something which no words can define.Yes we all have had this feeling sometime in our lives.Some have it more than once even.But as they say,everything that glitters is not gold.It may be possible that according to us,our heart,we are in love but in the real,there is something else.If you are going through this phase,has come over from it or yet to experience this feeling,have a read of these few lines.May be you have yet to get real love.   If you love some one because you think that he or she is really gorgeous … then it’s not love .. it’s ~ Infatuation ~…… If you love some one because you think that you shouldn’t leave him because others think that you shouldn’t … then it’s not love.. it’s ~ Compromise ~……. If you love some one because you think that you cannot live wit

Few words!

Past 2 days and coming few days are not so much good.I am nowhere near even to write a piece of art or anything like that.What I have penned down  just now,which you will read next, are just some random thoughts.They may sound so much idiotic but as I said before I am no “Shakespear”,so if this makes you smile and say WTH ,it's fine. I loved someone from the bottom of this heart, But my love left me saying that we have to get apart! I am standing alone today,thinking what went wrong, What I failed to give,what I couldnt do to make her love for me that strong! May be that's the way of life that you have to let go of someone whom you love the most, May be that's the way of love that you cant be with just that one whom you want to be with the most! I looked my world through her eyes, Heard the sweetest sounds in my ears from her whispers, She was everything for me always, But  today, I am no-one for hers! Today I am left all alone in this big world to cry, There is so mu

Music Review!

This is one another blog of mine which is nowhere related(not even close to being one) to Oracle/Solaris.But I promised that this blog will have anything which will be interesting for me right?So :-p!If you dont know already,I am a die-hard music buff and after some time,I have heard some good,soulful,melodious music.So here it is… One is from a new hindi movie named,’Fanaa’.I must say that its really my kind of music.Lyrics are superb and music is light,yet so much soothing and soulful.Well to be fare,I didnt like one song much but that is ok too.I shall give 2/5 to it.Overall 4/5(coz of that one song,it missed the record of 5/5) but I must recommend it to hear it once. This one is from the singer Paula Deanda,”Am I doing too much”.Again very nice lyrics and similar sort of music to take it all over you.Not like “Nobody wants to be lonely” from Ricky Martin but still a nice song.

WIFE 1.0....A New Software!

I just found this new “software” which I am not using at the moment.Those who are let’s see what they have to say about it.Check it out Another non-relevant rant but it made me smile:-).

A good news!

Yes I have a good news.One of my very good friend who will be un-named is going to get married very soon.It will be a love marriage.Things had been rough for a while but when everyone saw that the couple is so much desperate and committed,they gave their approval.My heartiest wishes to both of them. Thinking about it,one anothing thing came to my mind.What is in us humans that makes us so much special?So much unique and different that being born as a human being is termed(and indeed it is) as a invaluable gift!Is it our faces,beuaty,intelligence?Well to a great extent,that’s true.But if we just see a little deeper in it,IMO there is one quality in us which makes us so special and that is this invisible force which ties the people together.Yes you got it right,I am talking about Love and Relations.Something so simple,yet most powerful that it can make/break one’s life.I have seen so many relations happening and breaking till this age of mine.One thing that I am yet to understand is that

Just being idle!

As in my last blog,I told you that I am not really well.Well I am a little better but still there is alot that still has to be in order for my health.There is alot that is pending for me to do.It just scares me when I think about it.But all I can do at the moment is to sit,read articles and blogs.Yes you can call that whatever you like but I really dont have more better choices.So just while stumbling upon some random sites,I found . Needless to say,it really made me smile after quite a long time. Ok back to reading!!

Yes I am alive!

Yes I am really alive.I wasnt(still dont) feeling well and was hospitalized for quite a time.I remember,I made a promise that I shall keep the blog updated but sometimes things really go out of your hands and the same thing happened this time with me.I am still not well.Feeling so much weak,on the medication still but you can be assure that I am alive and will be back with a BANG very soon.The list of my favourite sites/blogs will be updated very soon too so don’t forget to check it out too. Have a great time/weekend. Cheers…. Aman

Just started

Hi there. Just started and this is my very first blog entry.I will try to write in this blog about my thoughts/ideas/researches/findings about Oracle Database/Solaris Operating System and everything else which can be out of the IT/Database world and will catch me.I have been reading some of the best blogs in the Oracle community(you can find them over here in the "Blogs I read" section) so it just came to my mind that why not have my own too.I am not sure that will I be able to keep this blog as much active as I want but I will try my best to do so.Well you can always read the ones which I listed over here anytime:-).If you want to know more about me,what do I do,like and things like that,feel free to visit my web-site .Your comments and suggestions are most welcomed. That's all for today I guess. Thanx a lot for coming. Cheers.... Aman