World, A Heartless Place....

I won't say that I am back. I don't know yet. But I have been thinking of getting back to my blog for a while. There are many sad/unhappy events that have happened in the last few months. Some people, whom I thought were friends, turned out to be "practical" and just like always, I couldn't see. But on the other side, bumped into someone nice as well. And of course, on a very extreme side, got infected from Covid. A lot, isn't it? I actually thought I shall write about something happy but maybe it's my luck or maybe I am not that "practical" or "woke" as others are, I happened to see something today that just made me so sad. That much that I couldn't shrug it off. 

There is this family in the neighborhood. An elderly couple with their son and daughter-in-law and two teenage kids(boys). Uncle is now very old and is now suffering from memory loss and very bad health. That much that he is admitted from a week in the hospital. Aunty, who is also 74, has been suffering from an extreme cough and cold since last week. I took her to the hospital, and got her tests done (no she doesn't have Covid, we got her tested for that), and got her treatment  started. Thank God she is doing better now and is improving. I do call her every day and check on her health. 

Today, she called me all of a sudden, and I was not sure what happened. I thought something bad has happened to uncle. I picked up the call and she said, Aman I have been very hungry and feeling very weak. I was like, but where is the <name of the daughter-in-law>? She said, in the other room, watching TV! Hmm. I made quickly rice and I had daal with me. In a few minutes I took everything to her. She told me that she was served some stupid curry. She didn't like it and then was told that she can get a pickle with the roti and can eat it. Let me tell you about both son and DIL. Son doesn't do anything cos they have got a big fat pension coming from the uncle, and rental income from two different properties. DIL is not only a stupid woman but also very arrogant. All that she does is either watch TV or gossip with her friends. This old lady and her husband came many years ago here. I remember their house being built in front me. I was a kid. Aunty has been handling home and now, when she is in her last years, these two pillocks, who are actually feeding on the money of their parents, are not willing to cook something nice even. Mind it, before being sick(which was like a week ago), it was aunty only who was cooking as she always had been since all these years. I told DIL that I shallget the food for aunty cooked for next 2-3 days till she won't become better. DIL was visibly furious that I came with food. Well, I didn't care at all. I said, touched feet of aunty and came back. 

This couple is going to the USA, as the visa is sponsored by DIL's sister. How effing selfish kids are or can be. I literally don't know how someone can be so bloody harshless, that too for their own parents. I understand and I have been told by S repeatedly, that this is how world is Aman. May be that's how the world is but tell you what, that's why I am so bitter over this world and over the people of this world. If this is how the ways of the world are, I am more than happy to be a rebellion like I have always been. 


tigervirk said…
I love Shiv no doubt for his poetry and with Jagjit’s mesmerising voice it adds further to its literary quality. Going by your liberal translation it shows that two physical personalities were in love and one left ( presumably the girl) We all know who the girl was!!! But due to my literary qualifications and bent towards literature I do not think it is so simple to interpret Shiv’s poetry. Simple meaning shows it wasphysical love which was consummated ( per ja palangi paya and second time when the body of lover was found to b burning due to intense need for again physical love; Churi deva the khanda nahin….. asi tan da Maas ….) one has to come to the world of metaphysics. The meaning is very deep and underlying. Something on the lines of John Donne. It will take lot of writing and I m unable to concentrate and write as I m also in the lounge of God waiting for boarding to b announced which is going to b any time. Shiv was lucky he had his love to blame for. Many like me pass away due to sickness ( incurable) old age,lack of care by near and dear ones and so many other factors of life! There is no one to blame! God bless all!
Aman.... said…
Thanks Virk Saab for your comment. Of course, Shiv's poetry is having more deep meanings. And I culprit of just doing literal translation. From last few years, I have been reading more on Urdu poetry than Punjabi. But you are right, this ghazal has references to both haqiqi love and mizazi love.

I am so sorry to hear about what you said. Trust me I know it more than just saying it. There is no one to blame but the pain doesn't subside by just saying that too. Please be strong. If you need to talk, ping here and I am here.


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