Happy Happy….

Okay, so its Saturday here, a weekend but I was working and just came back to my hotel room. I am tired, I am sleepy but I am happy too because the session went really well and my rating, though is not the highest that one can get but is VERY close it as well! Since I never did mention it before as well, I won’t mention the actual scores now too but its very pleasing and I am really thankful to all the delegates for being so kind!

The session started off with on a very delayed note. I make sure that I reach at the venue at any cost, before 9am. This time too, I was at the venue at about 8:30am. Its normal for the delegates to be late on the first day but they all show up by 10am for sure(we start at 9:30am in India and 9am at overseas). but this time, there was no one who showed up till 9:30am. At 9:30, only one delegate came and after that, at about 9:45, another one showed up and that’s about it! There was no one who came after that! at about 10:30am, another delegate came. It was already too late(11am) so we finally started. At about 12:30am, one more delegate showed up. I am not sure that I can remember any other program where so much of the delay had happened but anyways, even the delegates got delayed still they were so nice, friendly and were very excited to learn the stuff. This module, I have taken after some 4 years and in all these years, a lot of it has changed. When I used to take it, it was for all the  delegates who were just starting with the oracle database but these delegates were very experienced ones and that makes the session even more better and also, that’s what makes their rating also so important for me since kind words from experienced delegates is some thing so very important for me! We had a great time in the session discussing the module. As I said, there is a lot that’s new and it was good for me as well to know about it too. We finished today and it was so good to see all the delegates so happy and having a smile on their face while they were leaving, a sure shot sign to tell that they were happy. They mentioned some really kind words and also, the rating which has come is superb so yes, I am happy too! Thank you so much for being so supportive and for a great session everyone and not to miss, for all the kind words too! It was so great to meet all of you and I shall be so looking forward to meet you in another session soon!

So now, when the session is completed and I have a free day with me ahead(tomorrow is Sunday), I shall try to get myself a little gathered. I am having so much of headache and also, my foot is hurting so badly because it got twisted on the newly laid tiles in my hotel. In addition to complete two short posts, I shall try to go for a movie or so tomorrow. Hope the Sunday would enable me to prepare well for the incoming Monday.


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