A Happy TGIF….

I finished my last session yesterday evening. Though I wanted to write this post last night only but then one, because of unsteady internet connection, two, being lazy, I didn’t! It was one of the best sessions which I had taken and I must say, I was really very pleased to meet the entire group of oracle professionals who attended the last week program. There were many reasons for the program being so good. The most important one is that all the delegates were very lively, friendly and supportive. Its always a pleasure to discuss things when the recipient end is looking interesting about it and is willing to hear more and more. If you are a speaker at any public conferences, sessions and/or an instructor, you must be agreed that seeing the enthusiasm in the audience is biggest motivation factor . Fortunately, the entire group was very much interested to know about oracle and were very keen to understand things. There were few delegates who already attended some of my previous programs as well. Its always so good to have a reunion with the old delegates, especially when they come back with a smile on their face and say that its good to see you back Aman! There were few delegates who had some teammates attending another training session in some other premises, who also were in some other programs of mine. When they came to know that I am there from their colleagues, they came all the way to that building where I was last week just to see me! What more I could ask for to be happy after seeing something like this? Nothing, absolutely nothing!

Another reason for me liking this last program was that it was meant for those professionals who didn’t have much idea about the Oracle database and are willing to take their first step in the world of Oracle database administration. Surely enough, there were couple of experienced persons too in the audience which just make the whole experience more enriched for both me and other participants by bringing in more deeper questions which are helpful and interesting for me as well as for others. Also, since it was the starting program in the database courses, there is a lot that I feel like sharing with the delegates. I always remember in such programs those times when I was struggling to learn Oracle database( still doing the same) but there was no one who was there to teach me. There was no proper resource to know about anything, awareness was so less and those who knew, I am sure, most of them must be having tons of things wrong set in their minds. How can I say that even when I didn’t know about Oracle at that time, you may be asking? I know it sounds a little odd but even now, when its almost 10years that I am trying to learn Oracle database,I am seeing people more and more wrong than being right even when there are so many resources available to learn things, its just a very simple and safer assumption that most must be wrong at that time, 10 years back, when there were no such resources available or atleast not many knew about them even if they did exist. So when I step into such a program and look at the people who are willing to know about Oracle database, something which I love so much, I feel like telling them a lot, almost all that I know, both in technical and non-technical aspects which would help them in learning this awesome technology in a better way. I don’t know how many actually would read all the articles I have told them or would visit those websites that I share with them or would go and buy(or download even) those books which I recommend them but still, I feel so satisfied just sharing all such info because I know how hard it can be to start a quest like learning oracle database with no one helping you and not even knowing that from where you can get help even! I just hope that all the delegates would take maximum benefit from all those resources which I have told them about and would become  a very great oracle expert one day!

In addition to all the oracle related discussions, since the delegates were so lively and friendly, there were a lot of informal discussions as well which did take place time to time in between the sessions. We talked about music, mobile phones, life, world, politics, jobs, careers and much much more! Its always a great thing when things don’t remain too strict and there are some lighter moments as well. Especially for me,I don’t like to make the environment a really classroom like where nothing else can happen except work. Work surely is important but at times, its important to have a little distraction as well to ease the mind. There were a lot of funny moments which did get created on their own making us all laugh so much! In the last, there were a lot of kind words which the delegates did say to me about me and I am really thankful to all of them for their kindness! It was truly a good time spent and it was just great knowing all of them! It was a great week and I just hope that we all would remain in touch and meet again soon in some other program or even elsewhere soon!

I have nothing much to do today. There is some work but I am just being lazy and not sure when I shall start it. Its a great weather outside and I really wish I could go somewhere but  since there is no one with me to go, I would better stick in my room only. I am planning to go to some temple today but not sure that I would actually go or not. There are some tensions too on the mind about some things related to both personal and professional aspects. So hope saying hello to god would help in getting some confidence in dealing with those tensions :) . I shall also catch some (missing) sleep. So nothing exciting but hope it would be a little bit relaxing time for me and you all too have a great weekend :) .


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