Insomnia And Ramblings....

*Rambling* At this moment when I started writing this post,it's 245AM. It's way past anyone's sleep time and yet here, I am sitting in front of the screen and staring at it. I just made myself a cup of Black coffee and to make matters worse, I am so much angry. Soo goodbye sleep, wherever you were already, stay there.

 I just posted a  status- Crappy Writer's Dilemma. And what I mean by that was, when you are not good with words( and PJ's), you hit a roadblock. You have a lot in mind but you don't know where to start, what to write and heck, whether you even should? And right now, I am having all the three thoughts in my mind. If you are seeing a trend, yeah you are right, not a good start of the month/year.

On a positive note, got to know an alternate career option. Who knows, may be some day? Let's finish the coffee in the meantime. 


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