Clear As Mud....

I was not able to sleep and was just laying in bed thinking some thing else. But then, something completely different  did come up and my train of thoughts changed direction So what you do at 430am? Well you start quibbling  your random rambling,what else? And yeah keeping the tradition, typing this post also from the phone. Yeah I know, yet again. Why? Cos I am in bed and I didn't plan for this post. And I am a lazy bum.

As I said in the last post, not everyone  says  a lot. And I am definitely one of those who don't say much. Nothing to be proud about but it's what may be introverts or people who haven't had a habit of doing so from the starting, do. Reasons could be whatever but you end up being like more quiet in things in which others are more prominently vocal . And definitely better than you probably ever will be. 

But hold on for a moment. 

So if you don't say much, where does it makes you stand or how it makes you appear? If you are angry/hurt, you don't say it loud. Does that mean you can't feel hurt or be angry cos you haven't shown it in its full fury? Same goes for pretty much anything else as well. For example, even if you are very happy, you don't get to say or express that also loudly and clearly. But does it mean, nothing matters to you or you don't care or bother anything and/or anyone  about? To be fair, who knows, may  be you really don't. Or, may be, maybe you do care or bother about but you try to show it by doing by some very subtle things. Now, subtle is not obvious and if not obvious, it's not apparent. And that brings us back to where we started from, you don't appear to be caring or bothered or considerate. Or have your  priorities in order. Of course you are not right in doing this subtlety bullshit but there is a question here, does that makes you completely wrong too? Again, may be. It's definitely a matter of  how one looks at it. Being completely fair, you are wrong cos you can't expect people to be clairvoyant. But if given a slight levy, may be you are not absolutely wrong cos there is another side as well . If you're bothered, it should be understood too. But like a spinning wheel, again comes up it previously mentioned issue, if not said than it's not apparent and that means, not understood either. So what do we really have here? We are clear that you are wrong but not clear on how wrong? And however bit it may be, does it makes  you  inconsiderate? Or it makes you appear as one? But even if you appear stony-hearted, full of yourself, unfeeling, are you really that? Totally useless question but may fit the theme here -I am writing this blog post at an odd time but since it's inception was due to the fact that I was thinking, is it really random? 

 Clear as mud and I am appearing as an utter idiot isn't it? Yeah I know. But you can't solve world's hunger issue also when  you can't sleep. All what comes in your mind is a lot of thoughts. May be they don't make complete sense but may be, they are not complete bullshit as well. But since you can't decide, you just stay  awake with your eyes wide open.


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