Silence Before The Storm….

Well, I didn't write anything since my last post which was a travel post of mine. I haven't written as I am on the road again today and if all will go as told to me, I shall be here only for the next quite a number of days. And this is not going to be just any tour, its going to comprise some of the toughest programs that I am going to handle. And to make things worst, one program is completely new for me and is among the toughest programs of all what is offered in the curriculums of oracle database anywhere globally. Needless to mention that I am scared to death! And this is not going to get eased up at all by anything. I have no idea what would happen and all I can do is pray and hope that it doesn't go wrong and I shall be able to put things at their right place where ever needed! Pray for me guys, am going to really need them all!

There is still time for my flight and I am sitting here in this big hall using the wi-if service. There is this strange chaos in the entire hall as the cricket teams of Australia and India are also here to catch their flight to Chandigarh for a match. Almost all are getting crazy to get a snap with all the players, making me feel surprised what's that picture is worth of? There are two lines written by Debi which fit here perfectly. Here they are,

Tasveer khichwao ohna naal, jihna nu tusin v yaad raho!

Jihna naal khichande saare, ohna naal khichan da ki faida!

And its meaning is, you should get  a snap with that person who also is going to remember you and your name. What's the worth of getting one with that person with whom entire world takes one and he doesn't know even the name of any of them? True isn't it?

Am going to grab a quick lunch and than will try to read some stuff for the upcoming modules. Eating and then reading is best way to kill waiting ;-) !


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