WWW & Me.....

Well I am using this internet stuff over quite a some time now. As you are reading , I maintain a blog too. Over the time, there are couple of places where I am over this world wide web. Just thought to find all the scattered pieces together and put them here so that I can at least remember where I am :-). So in case, you have not noticed ( no prize even if you did already ;-)) , I have added my profile over different sites where I am. Besides these, I am also on Orkut . So if you are on any of these websites, feel free to drop me a message or friend request. If you are on Orkut, leave me a scrap. This list is updated over this blog of mine, over my Wordpress blog , my Tripod website and on my APEX website too. I am still feeling very lazy to update and launch my own official site. Though its already out there and running but still its not in the shape to bring it out. As soon as I shall be able to put it together, I shall introduce you to it. Till then , visit the other sites where I am to say Hi!


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