Movie Review, TaRaRumPum....

I don't watch movies much and neither do I watch tv for much time.  Yes I do listen music for hours.  But at times, I do watch movies too.  Its been years that I have stepped into a movie hall.  Why ?Well one reason is that I never got that much craze to see a movie that I would get up and go all the way to the hall to watch it.  Second ( and a bit unusual one) reason is some time back , I did wish to go for a movie in the hall but promised some one that I shall go with that person only when I shall start going to hall.  That didn't happen either.  So in short, I see all of my movies on vcd/dvds only :-).So when yesterday, Gunjan said that she wants to watch TaRaRumPum, I had to go and bring it for her.  She saw it in the night after her office but I didn't as I wasn't at home.  I just saw the movie TaraRumPum and here are my thoughts about the movie, music and an overall review.

TaRaRumPum starts with a little slow pace and in a little unorderly manner.Saif Ali Khan and Rani Mukharji's acting in the start was some thing which made me feel that its a complete waste of time of mine to watch this movie.  But after about initial 30 minutes, movies turns out to be really nice and emotional.  All the scenes after that time , will make you at least say 'nice' if not 'wow'!Acting of both the kids is amazing , especially the little gal,'princess'( that's her name in the movie) is really touching!Javed Jaafri has come after a long time in a movie as far as I remember but as always, his presence makes the entire moment so energetic and lively.Sidharth Anand, the director has really tried to hard to present some real life alike moments in the movie and he has succeeded to a great deal too.

Music is from Vishal-Shekhar.This duo has always given a good music score and this movie is no different.  All the songs have come up very nice and are depending upon the mood.  My favorite one is Oh Shona sung by Shaan and Sunidhi Chauhan.A really nice romantic number, a must dedication for your love.Saaiaan is a Sufi number but its a true representation of humans and their feelings.  Bring it on is a party number, I am not sure that I would hear it more than twice but still it has come up good.  Title song Tararumpum is again very nice and is sung by Shreya Gaushal.I remember her so much clearly coz I bough a disk sung by her and gifted to some one long time back.  I never bought that disk for me coz always thought that the disk is already with that some one special and that's most important.  The album was Pehla Pehla Pyar.I have stopped listening to this album since so long back but that's a different story why?Shreya has a magical voice and that magic is always created when she sings any song.Nach le is another song but some how it has come up just as an average one only.  On the whole, I shall give the music a rating of 3.8/5.Not too impressive but still not a bad one either.

In the conclusion, I shall say this that this movie will appeal to you the most if you have seen the realities of life from your self coz that's what the movie tries to present. If you have encountered them in your life, you will be able to feel the same pain that the characters felt in the movie.  This movie also brings one more message and that's an important one.  No matter what times come and go, never leave whom you really love.  When the bad times are there, your loved ones need nothing but you and your few words of support and your presence.  Its very easy to leave your loved ones and let them suffer alone but its very hard to stick and face everything with them.  If you are in love or yet have to experience this, remember this that love is not to let go but to hold on.  Love is not to leave when the times are bad or the weather is hot, love is to stay and bear that heat with your loved ones.  That's the same what Rani did for her love and out of the whole movie's best parts, I liked this the most.  I cant say that you would watch this movie again and again but yes for one time, its worth watch!


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