Sessions Finished, Traveling Starts….

It’s been a long time, well 3 weeks is not a small time I would say. I have finished all of my sessions today here at Cambodia and at the end, I shall say things went okay. Though there was a small sudden issue that came up which did spoil my mood but still, overall I would say things went fine. I was really very worried as there were four different sessions that I had to deliver and out of that three were completely new for me. That was a big challenge and on top of that, I am working on a very important writing project which is time bound which is running parallel with my day-job. You can imagine from this that I had two weekends and one public holiday here with me and in all of these days,  I was in my room either writing or preparing for the new modules. Though the sessions are over today for this trip but the writing part is still pending, a lot of it! I am working on it very hard and trying my best to get it done as soon as possible because there are many other things which I need to finish after that.

I was earlier planning to go to home but that’s not going to be happening for at least next 5 days because I have got another session confirmed. I shall be most likely going directly from here to the next destination to save some traveling time and to take some rest. It’s going to be a very long and very tiring travel but there is no better option than to do and finally, get crashed over my bed in the guest house. Not only that, I so want to have some good meal as well because the food that I had over here was really not good. It was not from the hotel as I ordered it from outside but still, it wasn’t good at all and I tried at least 5 different outlets. Even the dinner today that I just had was completely bland and wasn’t good at all! Earlier also it happened that I actually ordered for spicy but instead I got the food totally bland. So I am just so looking forward to get back to my guest house and ask the cook there to make something good for me. Hope he hasn’t forgotten to cook good food.

It’s time now to have a little bit of rest before going for a long and tiring travel. Not a very comfortable thing but still, a must-to-do isn’t it! 


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