Happy Chappy I Am….

Its been three weeks that I am on the roads and haven’t got  a chance to go back to my home even for a day. Moreover, those who are frequent here , they must have noticed that I am not writing much as well. Well, there is a reason for it and that is that I am actually feeling super lost in many many thoughts and worries. I wish I could put them across here but I can’t and to make things more complex, I have had a really busy time in the past 3 weeks. But all said and done, I am feeling happy, in fact quite happy today and that’s why I decided that I shall be sitting and writing about it. Hopefully, I shall be more consistent in writing from now on, at least I shall try for sure to do so.

I just have come back after finishing this week’s session. Its the same module which I took last week as well at a different location. I always say that for me, its very important to know that how I have performed in my session. Many people do tell me that I shouldn’t be much worried about myself and ratings anymore but that’s not me. I am and I shall be always very concerned as this is important for me to improve and correct myself where I am wrong. And the best guess for me to check this that whether I have done a good or bad job, as I say all the time, is to see that smile on the faces of the delegates and to see that whether they are willing to contact me after the session or not. If both the things are there, I am sure that I have done a little good work. And when the delegates say really kind words, for me that’s some thing which I consider as the biggest reward. Fortunately, in the last two weeks, I have got a VERY warm response and got to hear a LOT of VERY kind words from all the delegates and the delegates from the sessions did do one thing especially for me which really really made me feel so happy.

As I said that I taught the same session last week as well. All the delegates in the last week’s session were very senior guys(just like the current one’s) . Its always a challenge to take a session for the senior folks as they mostly have an idea about all what you can talk about in the session. And that’s the same which happened in the last week. All the guys were very experienced, in fact one was amongst the most oldest employees at that location’s office and indeed was a very sharp and smart person. Its been quite some years that I am doing these sessions but still, just like the first time, I always have butterflies in my stomach when I enter in the room on Monday. The previous week also was not any different and I had the same feeling. But I must say, all the delegates were so nice and co-operative. In fact, few came to me on the 2nd day itself and told that I am doing a really good work and they are very happy. What else I could ask for after hearing this right? But there was more good things to come. On the last day, the delegates took me out for lunch. I believe, that was just so kind and nice of them to ask me for lunch and take me for one. When we came back and finally closed the session, the delegate about whom I mentioned that he is among the most senior folks, he came to my seat and said so so many kind words! I won’t mention it all here but you got to trust when I say this that he was extremely happy and he told me that Aman, you are doing really good! I think that’s the best I could ask for to hear. And like him, almost all came to me and said personally to me that they were all very happy and really liked the session and also, me. Isn’t that was just so great! Finally the week was over and now, I had to go for the next week’s session. But before that I had to go to Delhi for few hours and then had to fly from there to the next destination. Not a problem was there in anything except that my flight was at 6am and whenever it is like this, I can’t sleep in the night. So without sleeping at all, I started for Delhi, reached there, finished the work and again , started from there to the next destination, on the very same evening. Needless to say that word tired can’t even come close to explain how exhausted I was! You can imagine from this that I reached at the next destination at 3am and since then I slept off till the next day 5pm. After such a grand sleepover, finally Monday again knocked and I was supposed to buckle up for the next session of mine which I expected to be a very tiring and grilling one and that’s exactly it turned out to be as well!

This current week’s session was probably the most grilling and tiring sessions that I ever took up and can recall. The timing of the session was 9am and I had to start at 8am to avoid any traffic which would otherwise be a very big issue if I would had got late. And after starting at 9am, the session would continue till 7pm for sure(on the first and second day, it stretched up to even 8pm as well). And it was not just the time that was getting stretched, there were a lot of discussions that happened as well. As like the other session(and in fact all to be honest) in this session also, the delegates were very senior and moreover very eager to understand and learn the technology. And we had some really really long and very interesting discussions, out of which one has made a concept quite clear to me as well. So I can say that though the session was really tiring for me( I wasn’t able to speak for some time after coming back from it daily and constantly had legs in pain because of the long standing posture and moving around) but it was still very fruitful. And the best part was that the delegates were REALLY so good. I can even go ahead and say , they were all super COOL! I can’t seem to recall where I had seen a group of so technical guys being so friendly with each other and also so cheerful, witty and so lively in nature. And guess what, they also did the same what the delegates of the previous session did, yep, they also took me out for lunch today! We 17 people went to a south Indian food joint Maiyas, which I was told is very famous. We ordered south Indian meal and I must say, I really did like the food and also the place. I was told that the place offers authentic Karnataka food which I wanted to taste from a long time since I have been coming here but never did get a chance to eat one. So for me at least, it was very good food and I am sure that the place is quite popular as I could see that there were a huge crowd who was waiting to get in outside but had to wait because the place was constantly full with no empty tables at all. But more than the food and the place, it was the kind gesture of the delegates that I was so happy with that they thought of taking me out for lunch with them. And not just this, at the time when we close the session, they presented to me a box of sweets which they told is a speciality of this place. Needless to say that I was so happy and grateful. And along with all this, they all said really kind words in the official rating and also were happy when they were leaving thus made me assured that I did a little good in my work.

So I guess it must be clear now that why I mentioned that I am so happy today. And all I can say is thanks to all the delegates of both the sessions for being so kind, friendly and co-operative. Thanks so much everyone, you really made me feel so happy, I mean it! It was indeed a pleasure and treat to be with you all and I surely would be looking forward to meet you again very soon!

Now, something about the coming week’s session and travel.

The next week’s session is going to be a grilling one and so will be the travel. You can imagine from this that I shall be starting again today at 3am and this time, its going to be an international destination as well. Let’s see what happens. Its time for me to start doing the packing and also to order a cup of coffee, a lifesaver when you are dead tired, isn’t it ?


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