There Is A Little….

Its happens so many times that people don’t realize that even when some one doesn’t say anything, he may still have some things just over his lips and within his heart. He may not show but may be feeling bad, hurt, upset. I guess, we normally don’t bother unless someone tells us so and at times, even after someone tells us so! I have just got this text message which does explains it perfectly that there is always a little that is unseen or unsaid, present in few of the most commonly said sentences. To call it little would depend on how much that person is important is for you and how well you understand him/her? But the message nails it right on the spot! Have a read,

There is a little truth behind “just kidding”!

There is a little emotion behind “I don’t care”!

There is a little pain behind “Its okay”!


Yes, it may be just a little but its there!


Anonymous said…
wow tht is soo true agreed man!
Aman.... said…
Thanks :) .


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