Starting A New Session With Fever….

It’s been three days since I have come back from my last session in which  I had encountered an earthquake as well. Except for that, the session went absolutely fine. I met some of the most amazing delegates and it was a very big coincidence that there were 4 delegates whom I had met already in some other places. It was a very VERY fun filled 5 day long week in which there were lots of laughs but also there were many many technical discussions as well. But I am so glad that the session went really fine. Though I haven’t seen the formal feedback yet but I had been told by couple of the delegates that how much they liked the session and this short email that I got after about 2 days says a lot IMO.

Hi Aman,

Now I don't have fear from RAC.

Thanks a lot for clearing concept of RAC.

I don’t think anything else is needed to mention that the class went okay! I am so thankful to all who came and also said so many kind words! It was a pleasure and honour to meet you all and I really hope and wish that I meet with all of you once again in the near future soon!

After such a rocking week, I came back with a very happy mood and then , all of a sudden, the stupid fever caught hold of me!

It’s been 3 days since I have got the fever and I am just so sick and tired of having medicines. And the worse part is, today or I should say, tonight I am going to start a web session at 10pm IST which would go till 6am as I am going to start a new session today. There were already so many issues in the logistics for this session in addition to me not being well and I am just so worried how this session would go? I shall come to know in less than 3 hours from now but it’s not an easy thing to talk when you are not well, trust me!


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