A Cursed Day....

 Some days are just not good. Today is just one such day. A cursed day.

Today morning I got the news of a person in my neighborhood who was infected and had been undergoing treatment from last few days. But despite that he was tested negative, he went into coma and it seems, he couldn’t recover from it. Today morning, when I stepped out to buy some fruits, I got this terrible news. I am not just sad – am shattered. Hearing this was like getting hit by a god damn effing truck.

It’s said that time flies. I still remember I was a kid and was playing in the park outside my home. This neighbor’s house was getting constructed at that time. I clearly remember that day when they carved some words in the front of the house. They renovated later and changed that design altogether.  Most of the place was empty at that time with just a handful of houses constructed. Then his son was born who unfortunately, wasn’t mentally very strong. Then two daughters who grew up with me. Finally, his last child was another son who by god’s grace is a fine young man now, studying architecture. Daughters got married with the elder daughter blessed with two sons of her own. Other daughter is now expecting and had come to stay with her parents.

I met him for a brief moment few weeks ago. Just a casual pleasantry keeping social distancing. We did sit few months ago in a meeting together. After my dad’s death, whenever I met him, he always had treated me like his son. I remember in that meeting; food was served too. He pushed me to get some more food in my plate. When I didn’t, he himself did put some more. A fantastic person who managed to uplift his family; even took so much care of his other siblings etc. so well. And today, thanks to this effing pandemic, he won’t even be brought at his home. His body will be sent for cremation right from the hospital itself.

I don’t know what to say. Tears just came in my eyes when I heard this news.  I just wish and shall pray that god gives strength to his family.

Speaking of prayers and best wishes, it’s also a day when for the 1st time in my life, I am told that I am giving “cursed blessings”.  

It’s not every day when you genuinely pray for some people’s wellbeing and you hear in return that your prayers and blessings are labelled “cursed blessings”. People forget that if one has a cursed heart, he/she won’t offer blessings or prayers but will rather wish all the bad things. They fail to understand that bad/cursed people don’t wish good and safety for others. And above all, people fail to see whom they are calling cursed!


What an effing awful, cursed day it has turned out to be!



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