
Showing posts from April, 2014

An Initiative-AIOUG North India Chapter….

At times, just a little idea and support can do just wonders for a very large community. And that’s the same happened this year when I was talking to Murali Vallath about the user-groups and participation of Oracle professionals in India in Oracle related events organized in India by All India Oracle Users Group(AIOUG) (formed and managed by Murali only). As India is such a large country, it’s not possible for everyone to come from they are residing or working for attending some Oracle conferences happening at a city very far from them. So Murali mentioned that how he started organizing a local user event at Charlotte with just very few people showing up for it initially. But with constant efforts, finally he was able to make the event a success and continued arranging it on Charlotte on monthly basis. And on the same thought, he suggested to start of a chapter representing North India and initiating an Oracle related event for it on monthly basis. That was just a superb idea and ne...